24 Popular Cat Breeds in Malaysia (With Photos)

If you are thinking about getting a cat or kitten, there will be a lot to consider such as: How often will you be around? Can you handle the hair? Is there any other existing pet? Is your home safe and spacious enough? And the list goes on…
So, if you are ready to make this long-term commitment, let’s find out the right cat for you!
Below, check out the 24 popular cat breeds in Malaysia and why people love them:
Is Your Cat a Fussy Eater?
Well, my cats used to be like that too, but now they finished their food all the time! No more picky eating, only empty bowls and satisfied cats (and happy me)!
If your cat doesn’t want to eat the food or finish the food you gave, try our Grace Cat Complete Meal, and you’ll be surprised.
British Shorthair
Thick legs, broad chests, large head, rounded eyes and chubby cheeks – these are what make British Shorthair easily recognisable, it is literally like a living teddy bear! This medium-to-large-sized cat is loving and affectionate with people and other animals. It requires low maintenance which is a good choice for first-time pet owners.
- Origin: Great Britain
- Personality: Friendly but independent. British Shorthair is a quiet, easygoing and undemanding companion. It requires a moderate activity level.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 20 years
- Length (exclude tail): 56 to 64 cm
- Weight: Males (4.1–7.7 kg) and females (3.1–5.4 kg)
- Price of British Shorthair: RM1,200 – RM11,000
- Coat and Colour: Short and dense. Come in over 100 colours and coat patterns. The best-known colour is blue (grey). Also available in a long coat, it is called British Longhair.
Health Issues: Among the purebred cats, British Shorthair generally has fewer health problems. Because this breed has been bred with the Persian breed, they are susceptible to Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), the development of cysts in the kidney. British Shorthair is also predisposed to developing Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), which is a heart disease that affects 1 in 10 British Shorthairs. Don’t worry, a gene test is available thus you should ask the breeders about the status of their cats – good breeders should know about it.
Grooming British Shorthair: Unlike long-haired cats, British Shorthair’s coat only requires weekly brushing. For the most part, they do a good job keeping themselves tidy and clean.
Maine Coon
The largest of all the cat breeds, the muscular Maine Coon is a “gentle giant” which is generally comfortable around children and other pets. It is known as the “dog of the cat world” who demonstrates the same lovely temperament and loyalty.
- Origin: Maine, USA
- Personality: Sociable, friendly, intelligent, playful and somehow talkative. Maine Coon is not overly dependent, but a people-oriented cat. It is a highly active cat that enjoys outdoor life.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): 48 to 80 cm
- Weight: Males (5.9–10 kg) and females (3.6–7 kg)
- Price of Maine Coon: RM2,000 – RM10,000
- Coat and Colour: Long, double coat with more than 75 colour combinations; Green, gold, or copper eyes.
Health Issues: The Maine Coon cat breed might have a high prevalence of a heart disease called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. The cat’s full size can trigger Hip Dysplasia, which is a malformation of the hip joint. Make sure to ask the breeder about these conditions before you buy.
Grooming Maine Coon: Its thick fur coat requires frequent grooming, about 2 to 3 times per week. Regular brushing keeps your Maine Coons coat looking at its best. Maine Coons are prone to getting cat poop stuck in their fur so they may need your help to clean that.
Stands out for their large size, semi-long coat in a pointed pattern and sparkling large blue eyes, Ragdolls are docile, easy-going, and affectionate too. They have dog-like personalities who love their people and follow them around the house.
- Origin: Riverside, California, USA
- Personality: Extremely gentle, calm and relaxed, Ragdoll is possibly the most laid-back cat breed. It is intelligent to learn quickly and is easy to live with a family.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 17 years
- Length (exclude tail): 43 to 53 cm
- Weight: Males (5–9 kg) and females (4–6.8 kg)
- Price of Ragdoll: RM3,000 – RM12,800
- Coat and Colour: Light-coloured body with a darker face, ears, legs and tails. Very varied in patterns, the coat colours can range from seal, blue, chocolate to lilac, red and cream. That adds up to many different possibilities.
Health Issues: Problems that may affect the Ragdoll include Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, a heart condition that is inherited in Ragdolls. Chronic kidney disease may develop in Ragdolls due to Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), which is passed from parents who carry the PKD1 gene. A DNA test is available to identify cats that carry the mutation that causes both diseases.
Grooming Ragdoll: Comb your Ragdoll at least twice a week with a stainless steel comb to remove dead hair that can cause tangles. Check its tail for any stains of poop on the fur and clean it off gently with a baby wipe.
Munchkin (also known as “sausage cats”) is a small to medium size cat characterized by its very short legs, generally 3 inches shorter than a regular-sized cat. The cats are purposefully bred due to their popularity. The shortened legs come from a genetic mutation causing a defect in the formation of cartilage. These sociable cats are active and love to run, chase and explore the world around them.
- Origin: United States
- Personality: Playful, intelligent, friendly but independent. Munchkins are known as “confident extroverts” who are full of energy and curious about their environment.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): Up to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (3–4 kg) and females (2–3.6 kg)
- Price of Munchkin: RM850 – RM9,800
- Coat and Colour: The breed may have short or long hair coats, that can come in various colours and patterns.
Health Issues: The short-leggedness of the Munchkin may cause an increased incidence of bone and spinal problems, such as curvature of the spine called Lordosis, hollow breast (the ribs grow improperly) and Osteoarthritis (degeneration of joints). This breed has not been welcomed by most cat associations due to the welfare of the breed and the severity of the health problems.
Grooming Munchkin: They may not have the flexibility to groom themselves well as regular cats do, so will need some assistance especially Munchkins with long coats.
Characterized by their round head, large eyes, short nose, small rounded ears and bushy tail, Persians have been one of the most popular cat breeds in Malaysia for decades. They have short, thick and strong legs with large round paws and tufted toes. Persians can come in different looks, some have an extremely flat face (Peke-face) and some face is not that flat (Doll-face).
- Origin: Iran (originally Persia)
- Personality: Calm and sweet. Persians are affectionate but dignified. They only reserve attention for the ones whom they feel they can trust. Persians are independent and prefer a quiet peaceful household.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 17 years
- Length (exclude tail): 36 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (5–7kg) and females (3–5kg)
- Price of Persian: RM1,000 – RM5,000
- Coat and Colour: Long, thick and luxuriant hair coat with a wide variety of coat colours and patterns.
Health Issues: Persians are predisposed to a number of potential health issues, the majority of which are related to their facial structure. A short nose and flat face can cause breathing difficulty or noisy breathing. Dental problems such as Malocclusions (teeth are misaligned) are commonly observed in Persian cats. The flat facial structure also increases the chances of excessive tearing and eye diseases. Persians may carry a gene that leads to Polycystic Kidney Disease, for which a genetic test is available.
Grooming Persian: To keep their long gorgeous hair looking great, Persian cats require daily grooming, at least in terms of combing. You should also trim their paw hair regularly. This will keep mats and knots under control. Pay attention to the bottom area and the underside of the tail which are prone to staining with faeces. Persian’s eyes tend to run, so you will need to clean the corner of the eyes and the side of the nose frequently to prevent eye stains. Bathing the cat at least once a month is ideal.
Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold’s most distinguishing feature is the ears, which are small and closely folded forward to cover the ear opening. This is a result of a genetic mutation that affects the development of cartilage. Combine the folded ears with the big round eyes and face, they are frequently referred to as “an owl in a cat suit”. Due to the health abnormalities, the Scottish Fold is banned by the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in the UK.
- Origin: Scotland
- Personality: Affectionate and sociable with a gentle temperament. Moderately active.
- Life Expectancy: 11 to 14 years
- Length (exclude tail): 36 to 41 cm
- Weight: Males (4–6 kg) and females (3–4 kg)
- Price of Scottish Fold: RM2,000 – RM8,800
- Coat and Colour: Comes in a number of colours and patterns, a typical Scottish Fold has a short and dense coat. It is also available in long-hair variety although is less common.
Health Issues: Unfortunately, the gene for folded ears not only gives these cats their distinct appearance, but it also causes one of the breed’s most serious health issues. Scottish Fold can suffer from degenerative joint disease or skeletal disorder throughout their lives, causing pain and poor mobility which is incurable. They are also prone to heart disease, specifically Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM).
Grooming Scottish Fold: The cat requires weekly combing to help remove dead hairs. A longhaired Scottish Fold may need to be groomed a few times per week. Scottish Fold cats have difficulties keeping their ears clean by themselves, so the owners should pay close attention to the ears’ health. A weekly ear cleaning will prevent bacterial infections and ear mites within the ears.
Despite their wild-looking, the “little leopards” Bengals are sociable and affectionate with their humans. Bengals are highly intelligent and super active, and they need a home that can fulfil their needs for exercise. They require companionship to avoid boredom, as well as an environment to climb and stimulate to hunt. Not to mention, Bengals are legal cats in Malaysia although they are restricted in some countries.
- Origin: United States
- Personality: Energetic, playful, talkative, confident and affectionate. Can be demanding due to high activity levels.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 16 years
- Length (exclude tail): 36 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (4.5–7 kg) and females (3.6–4.5 kg)
- Price of Bengal: RM700 – RM6,000
- Coat and Colour: The coat can be spotted randomly or it can be marbled, with random horizontal stripes. Colours can be brown, black silver, snow, charcoal and etc.
Health Issues: Bengals are generally healthy but they may have higher chances of getting Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (a heart disease) than some breeds.
Grooming Bengal: Bengal cats do not require excessive grooming as they usually take care of this themselves. Their short hair coat would just need a weekly combing. Bathing is rarely necessary.
Siamese Cat
Siamese Cats are distinguished by their contrasting coats and deep vivid-blue almond-shaped eyes. They have a pale main body colour with darker coloured points usually on the nose, paw pads and tail. The large ears are wide at the base and pointed at the tip, forming a triangle. Siamese cats are very talkative and are extremely fond of their humans. They disapprove of being left alone for long periods so make sure you have enough time to devote to this cat.
- Origin: Thailand
- Personality: High-energy talkative, outgoing, intelligent, demanding and affectionate. The Siamese will chat with you often and expect you to pay attention to them.
- Life Expectancy: 11 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): 29 to 36 cm
- Weight: Males (5–6.8 kg) and females (3.6–5.4 kg)
- Price of Siamese Cat: RM300 – RM1,800
- Coat and Colour: Siamese cat has a short coat with a fine texture. It can come in many colours such as seal, chocolate, grey and lilac, with blue eyes.
Health Issues: Lymphoma is a type of cancer that is more common in Siamese than in other breeds. They are also prone to liver and kidney problems caused by Amyloidosis, where an abnormal protein is deposited in the body organs. Siamese cats also seem to suffer more from Asthma or bronchial disease and a heart disease called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
Grooming Siamese Cat: Just like other short-haired breeds, the fine and short coat of Siamese requires only standard care with weekly combing.
Sphynx stands out among other pets due to the lack of hair with wrinkles pronounced. They have an oversized pair of ears and a long tail. They are playful and sometimes act more like dogs than cats. Just like the demanding Siamese cats, Sphynx requires more attention than the average cat.
- Origin: Canada
- Personality: Extremely outgoing and energetic, talkative, highly social and affectionate. Sphynx cats are loyal and full of love for their people.
- Life Expectancy: 9 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): 33 to 38 cm
- Weight: Males (4–5.5 kg) and females (3–4 kg)
- Price of Sphynx: RM2,000 – RM6,000
- Coat and Colour: Hairless. Sphynx come in a variety of coat colours and patterns that can be seen on their faces and pigmented skin all over their bodies.
Health Issues: Syphnx is prone to skin problems such as rashes and fungal infections. The hairless cats are also sensitive to sunlight so their direct sun exposure should be limited to avoid sunburn.
Grooming Sphynx: You might think that bald Syhynx needs only little maintenance but this is not true. They do not need combing, of course. But, Syphnx cats require frequent bathing because they have no hair to absorb their body oil. A weekly bath is recommended to avoid them leaving greasy spots on your clothing or furniture. The frequent bathing may dry out their skin so it must be kept moisturised with a fragrance-free gentle oil such as pure coconut oil. The oil can also be used as a pre-bath routine to loosen up the dirt and your cat will come up sparkling.
American Shorthair
The large and full-cheeked face gives American Shorthair a sweet look. They have a body of a working cat: solidly built, muscular and strong. American Shorthairs are basically medium in everything including size and temperament: they are not too big or small, neither overly cuddly or distant, not inactive or hyperactive. These cats tend to remain playful and active well into their old age.
- Origin: United States
- Personality: With a middle-of-the-road temperament, American Shorthair is easy-going and moderately active. This breed definitely enjoys playtime and hunting but is not overly demanding of activity or attention.
- Life Expectancy: 15 to 20 years
- Length (exclude tail): 30 to 38 cm
- Weight: Males (5–7 kg) and females (4–5 kg)
- Price of American Shorthair: RM1,000 – RM6,000
- Coat and Colour: Short and thick hair with a variety of colours and patterns. The most popular one is probably the silver classic tabby pattern.
Health Issues: American Shorthair is generally hearty and healthy. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, a type of heart disease, has been recorded in the breed, but it is unknown if the condition is hereditary.
Grooming American Shorthair: Comb as needed, at least once per week for a healthy shine.
Exotic Shorthair
The Exotic Shorthair is theoretically a Persian cat with short hair. It shares the Persian’s sweet look and round soft lines- with a large round head and eyes, a short nose and rounded small ears. Like the Persian, the Exotic Shorthair is docile, calm and affectionate, but more playful and curious. They are suited to a slightly active family but also enjoy a quiet life with some toys and exercise.
- Origin: United States
- Personality: Gentle, quiet, moderately playful and affectionate.
- Life Expectancy: 8 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): 41 to 48 cm
- Weight: Males (5.5–6 kg) and females (4–5.5 kg)
- Price of Exotic Shorthair: RM1,300 – RM5,000
- Coat and Colour: The coat is short, dense and plush. It comes in many choices of colours and patterns just like Persian.
Health Issues: Some common health problems in Exotic Shorthair include respiratory, dental and eye problems as a result of their flattened faces. They are also prone to Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) for which a DNA test is available. These potential conditions are similar to a Persian cat.
Grooming Exotic Shorthair: As compared to the longhaired Persian, this breed is easier to maintain in condition. Comb the cat’s hair twice a week to keep dead hair away. Excessive tearing can be a problem in Exotic Shorthair due to the flat face, so wipe the corners of the eyes daily to prevent under-eye stains.
Siberian Cat
Originated from Siberia with harsh winters, Siberian cats are built with long, waterproof triple coats and sturdy, muscular bodies. It can take as long as 5 years for a Siberian cat to become a mature adult, which means they spend a big portion of their lives acting like kittens. These cats are affectionate and have playful personalities, they love adventure and hunting. When not playing, they love cuddles and spending time snuggling with their people. The Siberian are the best fit for a home where humans are usually around and willing to play with the cats.
- Origin: Siberia, Russia
- Personality: Brilliant, athletic, playful and dependent cat. They are lovely and loyal family companions, who get along with nearly everyone including children and other animals.
- Life Expectancy: 11 to 18 years
- Length (exclude tail): 38 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (6–8 kg) and females (4–6.8 kg)
- Price of Siberian Cat: RM1,500 – RM8,000
- Coat and Colour: The Siberian has long and thick triple layers of coat: the guard hairs (the outer layer), awn hairs (the middle layer) and a downy undercoat (the closest to the skin). The coat comes in a variety of colours and combinations.
Health Issues: Siberian Forest cats are generally healthy but can be prone to a form of heart disease that causes the thickening of the heart muscle, called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
Grooming Siberian: The coat should be brushed a few times a week to prevent tangles. Siberian cats rarely need a bath because their coat is thick and water-resistant so bath the cats only if truly necessary.
Norwegian Forest
The magnificent Norwegian Forest, or “Wegie” for short, is larger than the average cat. This breed matures slowly and is not fully grown until about 5 years of age. The athletic cat is an excellent climber who enjoys hunting and chasing toys around but is not obsessively active. Although the Wegie appreciates the human company, it may be a bit reserved with visitors.
The cat shares similar characteristics with the Maine Coon in terms of bodybuild, coat and intelligence.
- Origin: Norway
- Personality: Friendly, smart, playful and loves to interact with their people.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 16 years
- Length (exclude tail): 30 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (4.5–9 kg) and females (3.6–8 kg)
- Price of Norwegian Forest: RM2,000 – RM6,000
- Coat and Colour: Built to survive a cold climate, the Norwegian Forest cat has a heavy and long coat that is water-repellent, with a bushy tail. The Wegie may be in any colour and patterns, and may have white markings on the face, chest, belly or paws.
Health Issues: The cat is generally a robust breed with no major inherited problems, although it may be prone to a heart disease called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Norwegian Forest cat’s full size can trigger Hip Dysplasia, which is a malformation of the hip joint. Glycogen storage disease type IV (an inherited abnormality of glucose metabolism) is seen in the Wegie cats, usually causing death in kittens within a few hours of birth. A gene test is available for the detection of carrier cats.
Grooming Norwegian Forest: Make sure to brush Norwegian Forest cats’ long coats frequently to keep them in good shape.
Turkish Angora
Also known as Ankara cat, the Turkish Angora is small to medium-sized, often seen in gorgeous white fur. They love being the centre of attention and enjoy bonding with their humans. The Angora cats have a playful streak so make sure there are plenty of toys to keep them entertained if there are no companions around.
- Origin: Ankara, Turkey
- Personality: Intelligent, extrovert, a little bit talkative and affectionate.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 18 years
- Length (exclude tail): 36 to 41 cm
- Weight: Males (3.5–5 kg) and females (2.5–4 kg)
- Price of Turkish Angora: RM1,200 – RM4,500
- Coat and Colour: Best known for their long, fine and soft coat. The hair coat does not reach its full length until the cat is around 2 years old. Turkish Angora coats can be a wide range of colours, including red, black, calico and tabby-patterned. But luxurious white fur is traditionally the most popular.
Health Issues: The Angora have a higher chance of being deaf on one or both ears, especially the cat with white fur and blue eyes or the odd-eyed cat, with the side having the blue eye being deaf. There are also reports of kittens suffering from hereditary Ataxia, a loss of muscle coordination, and also heart disease called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
Grooming Turkish Angora: Their silky, long coats have no undercoat, which makes grooming easier for the Angora cats. Combing them one or two times a week is required in order to keep their hair healthy.
Russian Blue
Russian Blues are known for their thick blue-colour coat and bright green-yellow eyes. They have an elegant, muscular body and long, slim legs. The cats have a reputation as quiet and gentle cats, and tend to shy away from visitors, but they are loyal and can be affectionate to their chosen humans. These cats don’t like change and prefer a quiet, stable environment. Once settling in a comfortable environment, they love to play and enjoy jumping, racing, climbing and even following their favoured persons through the house.
- Origin: Russia
- Personality: Sweet-tempered, friendly but independent, intelligent and playful.
- Life Expectancy: 15 to 18 years
- Length (exclude tail): 38 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (4.5–7 kg) and females (3.5–5.5kg)
- Price of Russian Blue: RM1,500 – RM4,000
- Coat and Colour: We call them Blue due to their typical blue-grey coat colour, but indeed Russian Blue also comes in different colours such as black and white. The cat has a short but dense coat which is soft and smooth.
Health Issues: The Russian Blue is generally healthy.
Grooming Russian Blue: Although the hair is short, the Russian Blue has a very dense undercoat so you should brush the hair at least twice a week to help remove dead hair.
Sometimes referred to “Aby”, the Abyssinian cat is a medium size cat with a long, muscular body and a pair of broad ears. The cats are extremely playful, active and love to climb as high up as possible. They would appreciate one or more ceiling-height cat trees and high places, and of course a lot of fun toys that keep them busy. The Abyssinian also enjoy human company and become attached to the family.
- Origin: Ethiopia
- Personality: Very adaptive, curious, high intelligent explorer. Friendly to children and other pets, it is an excellent addition to an active family that gives the cat plenty of attention.
- Life Expectancy: 9 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): 30 to 41 cm
- Weight: Males (3–5 kg) and females (2–4 kg)
- Price of Abyssinian: RM4,000 – RM8,000
- Coat and Colour: Aby has a silky, short to medium-length coat. The coat colours are generally available in ruddy brown, cinnamon, red and etc, with green or gold eyes.
Health Issues: The Aby is generally healthy but can suffer from inherited diseases called Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency which can cause anaemia, and Renal Amyloidosis which can lead to kidney failure. A genetic test is available to identify the carriers. Progressive Retinal Atrophy, a degenerative eye disease that can lead to blindness is also observed in this breed so it is worth asking the breeder about this as well. Regular oral hygiene can help prevent the development of Periodontal Disease which is more likely to develop in these cats.
Grooming Abyssinian: The Aby cats need pretty low maintenance when it comes to grooming. The cat’s coat is easy to care for with a weekly combing.
Himalayan Cat
The Himalayan, or Himmie for short, is a hybrid breed of the Persian and the Siamese cats. The cat has a long, luxurious coat and the sweet look of a Persian with the flashy colours of a Siamese. The Himmie has a round large head and eyes, a short nose, full cheeks and small ears. They are gentle, loving and adore the attention of their humans. Himalayans get along with everyone especially if introduced when young.
- Origin: United States
- Personality: Relatively chill, sweet-tempered and affectionate. The Himalayan has low exercise needs but enjoys playing with the toys and interacting with the owners.
- Life Expectancy: 9 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): 43 to 48 cm
- Weight: Males (5–6 kg) and females (4–5 kg)
- Price of Himalayan Cat: RM1,500 – RM3,000
- Coat and Colour: The Himalayan has a long, thick shiny hair coat with a fine texture. It shares the same coat colours (available in cream, lilac, blue, red and etc.) of the Siamese cat, with pointed marking patterns and deep blue eyes.
Health Issues: Like the Persian, Himalayan cats are more susceptible to certain eyes, dental and respiratory issues such as Asthma, and difficulty breathing or swallowing due to their flat faces. They also have a higher chance of getting Polycystic Kidney Disease, for which a DNA test is available.
Grooming Himalayan Cat: Their fluffy, long hair requires daily care to prevent tangles. Regular bathing also keeps the hair clean and shiny. The Himmies also need special care for their eyes because their flat face makes them prone to tear-staining. Gently wipe their faces with soft cloths daily to remove the excess tears before they create stains.
Turkish Van
What gives the Turkish Van its name is the “van” colouration, whereby the coat is mostly white with colour markings around the head and tail. The breed is not fully grown until they are 3 to 5 years old. The Turkish Van cats are playful and outgoing so the owner should invest in some fun interactive toys to prevent boredom. Surprisingly, these cats feel totally comfortable in the water and are often called the “swimming cat”. When introduced properly, the Turkish Van can be affectionate and love to stay close to their family members.
- Origin: Lake Van, Turkey
- Personality: Energetic, smart, easily trainable, adventurous and are definitely “people cats”.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 17 years
- Length (exclude tail): 43 to 53 cm
- Weight: Males (5–9 kg) and females (4–6.8 kg)
- Price of Turkish Van: RM2,000 – RM6,000
- Coat and Colour: Medium length and single-layered white coat with colour markings in black, grey, red and etc. on the ears, head and tail.
Health Issues: On the whole, the Turkish Van is a healthy and long-lived breed. Solid-white Turkish Van, also called “Turkish Vankedisi”, are susceptible to deafness so reputable breeders avoid breeding them.
Grooming Turkish Van: Because they have no undercoat to cause mats or tangles, brushing the cats at least once a week should be more than enough to keep their coat glossy and healthy. Baths are rarely necessary because Turkish Van’s coat is water-resistant.
Burmese Cat
The ancestors of the Burmese cat are the “copper cat” of Burma (Myanmar) and the Siamese. The Burmese have a rounded head, large yellow eyes and a straight tail that is usually rounded at the tips. The breed is energetic and social who seeks out human companionship. Many people describe the cats as “dog-like”, they are loyal and playful. Just like the ancestor Siamese cat, the Burmese cat thrives on attention and enjoys carrying on a conversation but with sweet and soft voices.
- Origin: Burma and Thailand
- Personality: Easygoing, curious, active, talkative and demanding of attention.
- Life Expectancy: 10 to 16 years
- Length (exclude tail): 38 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (4–6 kg) and females (3–5 kg)
- Price of Burmese Cat: RM1,800 – RM4,000
- Coat and Colour: The Burmese cats have a short, fine and satiny coat. The most common colours include warm brown, champagne, platinum and grey. For the European Burmese, colours can consist of solid brown, lilac, red, grey and cream. Their eyes can be in any shade of gold or yellow.
Health Issues: The Burmese are generally healthy but can be prone to Diabetes Mellitus, and also Hypokalaemic Polymyopathy (low blood potassium causes muscle weakness which is sometimes seen in young Burmese cats).
Grooming Burmese: The short coat requires minimal maintenance with just a weekly combing to keep it looking shiny.
The completely tailless cat, Manx, is one of the oldest known cat breeds in the world. The medium-sized cat has a stocky body, round head, round eyes, widely-spaced ears, broad chest, short front legs and slightly longer back legs. Being a friendly and sweet cat, the Manx is a lovely companion and adores interacting with humans. The cat also loves to run and play, carrying the toys around.
- Origin: Isle of Man, United Kingdom
- Personality: Playful, intelligent, gentle and affectionate towards the entire family.
- Life Expectancy: 9 to 14 years
- Length (exclude tail): 36 to 41 cm
- Weight: Males (4.5–5.5 kg) and females (3–4.5 kg)
- Price of Manx: RM600 – RM2,400
- Coat and Colour: The typical Manx has a short double-layered coat: a short thick undercoat and a slightly longer overcoat. A longhaired Manx is also available, it is recognised by some cat registries as a different breed called “Cymric”. Whether short or long, the coat comes in many different colours and patterns except for the Siamese breed’s pattern.
Health Issues: Manx syndrome, a severe genetic defect that may cause spine, urinary tract, bowel and digestion problems, affects about 20 per cent of Manx cats. Unfortunately, this syndrome has no cure. The condition usually shows up by 4 to 6 months of age so the owners should monitor the kitten before these ages closely.
Grooming Manx: Because of the double dense coat, you should brush the coat at least once or twice a week.
The Ragamuffin is a sweet-looking big kitty, with big body, big eyes and big heart. You might think that the cat looks similar to the Ragdoll, yes you are right! Ragamuffin was created by cross-breeding the Ragdoll with other long-haired breeds such as Persian and Himalayans. The Ragamuffin cats are literally like Ragdolls in a different colour coats. Just like the Ragdolls, they love to be held like a baby, sit on your lap whenever possible and will follow you everywhere. These cats mature slowly, it can take up to 4 years to reach their full size.
- Origin: California, USA
- Personality: Docile, affectionate and loyal with a need to be around humans. Moderately playful.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 17 years
- Length (exclude tail): 30 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (5–9 kg) and females (4–6.8 kg)
- Price of Ragamuffin: RM2,400 – RM8,000
- Coat and Colour: Ragamuffin has medium-long to long silky hair that comes in a wide mix of coat colours and patterns, predominantly white. The tabby coat is by far the most common.
Health Issues: Ragamuffin is generally healthy. The ones with Persian ancestors may be susceptible to Polycystic Kidney Disease which may cause kidney failure, a DNA test is available for this.
Grooming Ragamuffin: Comb the cat at least twice a week to prevent tangles but always be gentle.
Devon Rex
The small-size Devon Rex has high cheekbones, large ears, striking eyes and wavy fur. The active Devons are extremely curious and interested in everything that is going on. Their playful, outgoing nature makes the cats a good choice for families with children, other pets or frequent guests. They love people and often welcome the attention of friends and visitors.
- Origin: Devon, England
- Personality: Playful, intelligent, outgoing, affectionate with family and desirous of attention.
- Life Expectancy: 9 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): 38 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (3–5 kg) and females (2–4 kg)
- Price of Devon Rex: RM2,400 – RM9,000
- Coat and Colour: The cat has a soft wavy coat that is very short and comes in all colours or patterns. The hair is thicker on the back, sides, tail, legs, face and ears. The whiskers are short and crinkled.
Health Issues: The Devon may suffer from an uncurable inherited disease called Devon Rex Myopathy, which may cause the cat unable to walk and exercise due to muscle weakness. Signs of muscle weakness show up from 3 weeks to 6 months of age. To trace for this inherited disorder in the Devon Rex, a gene test is recommended. The cat may also be prone to Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, a form of heart disease.
Grooming Devon Rex: The Devon’s wavy hair is easy to maintain with a weekly brush. It may produce more ear wax than other cats which may require regular cleaning.
The outstanding feature of the Birman is the pure white paws as if the cat is wearing gloves and socks. Similar to the Siamese, their eyes are deep blue and their coat is in pointed patterns (the colour is darker on the ears, face, legs and tail). If you love the coat pattern of the Siamese but not the bossy and talkative nature, a Birman may be the cat for you. The Birman is a quiet and calm cat who communicates in a soft voice. The cat loves their humans and can form a close bond with the owners.
- Origin: Unclear. Most often claimed to be originated from Myanmar.
- Personality: Gentle, soft-spoken, intelligent, faithful and companionable.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 years
- Length (exclude tail): 38 to 46 cm
- Weight: Males (4.5–7 kg) and females (3–4.5 kg)
- Price of Birman: RM1,000 – RM4,000
- Coat and Colour: Soft and silky semi-long coat. The coat is in pointed patterns being seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac as the traditional colours.
Health Issues: There is some information out that suggests that the Birman cat is prone to a heart disease called, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). Some young Birmans show conditions of impaired kidney function and some may go on to develop kidney disease.
Grooming Birman: Their single-layer hair has little undercoat, so a combing once or twice per week should be enough to maintain the coat.
Domestic Shorthair (“Kampung Hensem”)
Literally one of the most popular cat breeds in Malaysia! With a mix of various breeds, there is just no end to the variety of Domestic Shorthair cats, they can come in a wide array of colours, sizes and shapes. Domestic Shorthair does not refer to an actual cat breed and it is not really a breed itself – this does not matter anyway. The cats are loving and make great family pets! Their personalities are as varied as their appearance. They can be playful or calm, vocal or quiet but are often social and easy-going. The Domestic generally enjoy playing and will be grateful for fun toys that provide plenty of mental and physical exercise for them.
- Origin: Egypt
- Personality: Varies, generally friendly and sociable. With a proper introduction period, they are great playmates for seniors, children and other pets.
- Life Expectancy: 12 to 20 years
- Length (exclude tail): 43 to 53 cm
- Weight: Males (4.5–7 kg) and females (3–5 kg)
- Price of Domestic Shorthair: RM0 – RM500
- Coat and Colour: Typically they have short to medium-length coat that comes in a multitude of colours and patterns.
Health Issues: The Domestic Shorthair cats are pretty healthy and are not predisposed to a disease or other illnesses. However, they may be prone to overeating which can cause Obesity – a very common condition in other breeds as well. You will need to control the food amount and feed them with healthy cat food that helps them thrive.
Grooming Domestic Shorthair: Relatively low maintenance. Although their coats do not require too much attention, weekly brushing is still important to keep their coat in shape.
Gives Adoption a Chance
All cats, like humans, are created equal regardless of their appearance, size, or personality. And of course, every cat, regardless of breed, is unique.
There are many sweet kittens and cats in need of forever homes at the shelter, and many of them are a mix of the breeds on this list.
Perhaps, you can find your purr-fect cat there!
Conclusion: Popular Cat Breeds in Malaysia
We hope you enjoyed reading about the 24 most popular cat breeds in Malaysia.
Indeed there are so many types of cat breed in the world, certain cat breeds are more popular than others mainly due to breed personality and appearance.
Generally, pedigree breeds use a much smaller gene pool for breeding than domestic cats, therefore they have a higher chance of developing inherited disorders. Many of these inherited diseases can be detected via a DNA test.
Whatever kitty you choose, we are confident you will adore your new family member! Always treat them with respect because owning a cat isn’t all fun and games; it also requires some effort.
Still feeding kibbles and canned food to your cats? It’s time to change!
Expert cat owners are feeding this to their cats. It’s a game-changer for busy cat owners.
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